Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Father, My Pastor

I am going to do a series of blog posts on my family, so here is Papa. My Papa is my hero, my protector, my friend, and my pastor. I love him and respect him and I hope that I can bring honor to him and my Savior through my life.
My Papa is my hero because he is a man of God. He seeks Christ with all of his heart and teaches his family to do the same. He often says to us, “You must make the faith your own!” He makes it a priority to have family devotions with us twice a day and often asks us how our personal devotions are going. He also seeks the Lord through His Word. His knowledge of the Bible is so vast, if we want to know the reference for a verse, we don’t even have to bother with the concordance, we just ask Papa; because of this we nick- named him the “walking concordance.” He desires to please the Lord in all that he does, by loving his wife as Christ loved the Church, by teaching his children to walk in Christ’s way, and by preaching the Word faithfully to our Church.
My Papa is my protector because he is committed to protect me until he gives me to my husband one day. He outwardly protects me through keeping me in safe places. He is not like many fathers who send their daughters out to go to work and to school. You might say, “What a boring life you have” but I do not think so. Instead of sending me to work, he brings me with him to work at our Church. Instead of sending me to school, he provides me with a wonderful education in my home. Protecting me is not just outward, he protects my heart by monitoring the TV that I watch, the music that I listen to, the friends I have, and the doctrine that I hear.
My Papa is my friend because he always has time for me and his family. Through his busy schedule he still puts his family first. He often says to me, “Naomi, come talk to me, tell me about your day.” He is funny and loves to say lame sayings to “get a reaction out of us” and has blessed me with lots, I mean LOTS, of nick-names. He cares what I am thinking and what I am going through and he wants to hear about what is happening in my life.
And lastly, my Papa is my pastor. What a great task this is. It not only requires him to preach 2 sermons and 3 Bible studies regularly a week, he has to be absolutely in tune with the Holy Spirit for this job. He has so many things “on his plate” in the great task of being pastor and preacher to our Church. He wakes early in the morning to seek the Lord and often uses his day off to “study”. It is so special to watch my Papa preach each week and to see him not only speak words but to live them out. What a great joy it is to be a pastor’s daughter.
In hopes of honoring my earthly and heavenly Father,