Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I was thinking about the thanksgiving holiday and what I am thankful for, there are so many things, but I think the number one thing is God's provision and His care. He loves me while I am so unworthy, He hears me and yet I am so undeserving, and He provides for me while I am so ungrateful. What a wonderful God!!!! I love this poem that Amy Carmichael's mother wrote and I wanted to share it with you because it expresses the provision and love of my Savior.
Happy Thanksgiving!

He who hath led will lead
All through the wilderness,

He who hath fed will surely feed…
He who hath heard thy cry
Will never close His ear,
He who hath marked thy faintest sigh
Will not forget thy tear.
He loveth always, fainteth never,
So rest on Him today- forever.
-Mother of Amy Carmichael

Soli Deo Gloria!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Wonderful Post by Lydia

Here is a link to my amazing sister's blog; she wrote this post and I think every Christian young lady should read it.

Day By Day: Girls....

In Christ,

Friday, November 7, 2008

Keep Watch...

I had an amazing quiet time with my Savior this morning and I wanted to share it with ya'll.
I was reading in Mark 14 when Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane, verse 14 really stuck out to me. It says,
" And He said to them, "My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death; remain here and keep watch."
The phrase "keep watch" stuck out in my mind. This is the night that Jesus is going to be betrayed, His heart is deeply grieved and He asks one simple thing of his disciples, "keep watch". This thought easily runs through our minds, "How could they sleep?" But then I look at my life, how many things has the Lord asked me to keep watch on, and I have been lulled to sleep by our culture and this world. I cried out, "Lord, show me the things that I have fallen to sleep to." And things started coming to my mind: movies I watch, books I read, games I play, attitudes I have, and even thoughts that I think. Pray with me dear friends, I fear that many of us have been lulled asleep. Join me in praying that the Lord would wake us up.
To God's Glory,